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Make Music Superior

 — (CDT, UTC-05) — (CDT, UTC-05)

North Shore SUP, Barker's Island, 14 Marina Dr, Superior, WI 54880, Superior, MN

Make Music Day is a free, outdoor music festival celebrated worldwide. Held on June 21st, this all-inclusive festival features music of all genres. It is open to anyone who wishes to participate. This event began in Paris, France on the summer solstice of 1982. People of all ages and abilities were invited to step outside their doors and participate in music. This event was so successful that it continued to grow each year. It is now celebrated in countries all over the world. I will be celebrating it on Barker's Island at North Shore SUP!

Christmas Afternoon Tea at the Merryweather Inn

Merryweather Inn, 2316 E 1st Street, Duluth, MN

I'll be playing Christmas and winter-themed music with Keely Waechter during the Tea at the beautiful Merryweather Inn. Tea details below and tickets here:

Children $32.50 cookies only Adults $65

Strawberry Scones clotted cream Mushroom onion bacon puff Smoked salmon and dill crepes Goat cheese walnut fig crostini Almond tart Cherry cake Christmas cookies and treats

Enjoy Christmas tea at the beautifully decorated Merryweather Inn! Feel free to dress up, but bring house slippers or indoor only shoes. Outdoor shoes are removed at the door.

The Tucson Folk Festival is a FREE and accessible festival celebrating Americana and Folk Music traditions and all the wonderful variations, including bluegrass, blues, country, jazz, Celtic, zydeco, and various styles of Latin and Mexican music! This annual family-friendly festival is held in some of the most historic sections of Tucson.


The Jane Heirs

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Tucson, AZ

The Jane Heirs will be showcased at a venue TBD. Call or Text for Reservation: 520-576-8067; $10-20 recommended donation.

Make Music Superior-Set 2 @ Clarence Benson Park

 — (CDT, UTC-05) — (CDT, UTC-05)

Clarence Benson Park, 1603 N 68th St, Superior, WI 54880

Make Music Superior is a live, FREE musical celebration on June 21, the longest day of the year, with concerts on streets, sidewalks, and parks across the city. I'll be playing 2 sets on the day, from noon-1 at Thirsty Pagan, and from 2:15-3:15 at Clarence Benson Park. Come have a listen!

Make Music Superior-Set 1 @ Thirsty Pagan

 — (CDT, UTC-05) — (CDT, UTC-05)

Thirsty Pagan, 1615 Winter St, Superior, WI 54880

Make Music Superior is a live, FREE musical celebration on June 21, the longest day of the year, with concerts on streets, sidewalks, and parks across the city. I'll be playing 2 sets on the day, from noon-1 at Thirsty Pagan, and from 2:15-3:15 at Clarence Benson Park. Come have a listen!


The Tucson Folk Festival is a FREE and accessible festival celebrating Americana/Folk Music traditions and all the wonderful variations, including American bluegrass, blues, country, jazz, Celtic, zydeco, and various styles of Latin and Mexican music! This annual family-friendly festival is held in some of the most historic sections of Tucson.

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After years of piano lessons and playing violin in the school orchestra, Kristie Cunningham decided to find her voice, and sing in places other than the shower and the car. She started playing guitar at the tender age of 32 after the first two bands she was in broke up before they ever played out, and it was one the best things she ever did, because it reminded her of this: Being able to make music is magical, and singing is the purest joy she knows. Since then, she has been performing a mix of genre-crossing originals and covers at regional folk festivals, porch fests, benefits, and venues in and around Tucson, AZ, solo and as part of her duo, The Shameless Flirts (with Paul Kirsch), and her trio, The Jane Heirs (with Denise Lane and Kathy Kolmer.) Kristie, her husband, and her dogs made the transition from summer residents of Duluth, MN to full-time Duluthians in February 2023.  She blogs here and writes poetry here.  

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